Thursday, July 30, 2015

What are Some Keys to a Prophets Life

This is an interesting subject. What are some of the keys to the life that I live? One important key to a prophetic life is intimacy, to have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, the Father and the Holy Spirit. As a prophet, you should have a relationship with God the Father, you should have a relationship with Jesus Christ his Son, and you should have a relationship with the Holy Spirit.

The whole three persons of the God head, the whole three members of the trinity should be personal friends of yours. They should be not only subjects, not only things that you understand, and know about, they shouldn’t be just people that you’ve heard about in the Bible. They should be friends of yours. They should be interactions that you’ve had with each of them that you can use in stories and illustrations. For instance, I was talking to the Holy Spirit and I asked him “Can you tell me when it’s going to rain and can you tell me when you take my umbrella out”, and from that day on, the Holy Spirit would be quick to tell me to take my umbrella out on every day that it was going to rain on me. If it was going to rain during the day and I was inside a building and it wasn’t going to rain when I’m actually walking from place to place, the Holy Spirit wouldn’t tell me but on the days that I would be walking from the station to another place, the Holy Spirit would tell me take your umbrella today and sure enough, if I ignored the Holy Spirit, and didn’t go with my umbrella, I got wet. And that was the case. So that’s an example of a time I’ve talked to the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit has responded and continued to remind me when it’s going to rain when I was going out into a day and leaving my house on a day it was going to rain.

So there are many interactions that I’ve had with Jesus. They can’t be summarized or detailed here. You’d have to have like a hundred hour video to explain all the interactions I’ve had with Jesus. One interaction at the same place that I had the interaction with the Holy Spirit that time, I was walking out of my house and I noticed blowing in the wind was the cloak of Jesus. I normally notice Him, by that way, by his cloak blowing in the wind and I said to him, “I’m seeing you now every second day”. And it’d been a while, it’d been going on for weeks where I was having a vision of Jesus every second day.

To which Jesus responded to me and said, “I’m with you every day”.

And quick enough, I replied to him,” Where is that in the Bible?”

Jesus said, “lo I am with you always to the end of the age”. And that means that Jesus is with us all the time and whether we know it or not, He actually is and it’s amazing that really had an impact on me that Jesus was always with me and it really meant a lot to me and now I know whether I see Him or not, He’s walking with me and He’s with me.

I’ve had interactions with the Father. One time I was taken on a vision to Heaven and the Father had me sit next to him in Jesus’ throne and the Father opened up the Heavens and I could see stars and planets and all sorts of things. I could see the stars up really close, you know if Heaven had gravity they would be crashing down into Heaven, some of the planets or stars were so close that they would seem like a thousand miles from Heaven. I could really see them moving really close and I could see all the stars far away, it was the most amazing view of the solar system and the universe that I’ve ever seen and the Father said to me, “Can you see all of that?”

 And I said, “Yeah”

He said “I control all of that. He said, “One of those stars I could send to Earth and that would be the end of Earth. I control it all. He said, don’t you think if I can control all of that, I can control your life?”

 And I was really emotional and I said, “Yes”.

 He said, “Let me control your life.” So that was an interaction I had with God had an indelible impact on my life. So intimacy is one of the keys to a prophet’s life. A prophet has to have an intimate relationship with the God head. He’s got to be intimate with Jesus.

Now, intimacy comes from a number of things. There are a number of things that make up intimacy. First of all, you’ve got to understand who God is and you find that understanding of who God is and who Jesus is through the Bible. That’s one way to get to know God. So, one of the keys, we’ll count this as a key too, one of the keys to a prophet’s life is to have a knowledge of the Word of God. Now, many people have a knowledge of the Word of God but some of the verses they believe in, they’ve got the wrong meaning to, and they’ve got the wrong understanding.

So you’ve got to understand that your relationship with God is ever-changing and your beliefs and your theologies have to be open to change. So you can understand the Bible and understand Bible verses in the Bible that help you to understand who God is and who Jesus is.

You can really find out a lot about Jesus by reading the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. And if you spend time reading those Gospels, trying to understand or seeking Jesus to explain why He did certain things and why He said certain things and what He actually meant when He said certain things. If you go into a process of years of discovery of what Jesus meant by all these parables and what are the deep meanings behind all of His commandments and if you study all of that out and spend time seeking the Lord with the help of the Holy Spirit, you’ll come to know Jesus very well. If you read the prophets in the Old Testament and read all of the prophets, you’ll come to know God very well. So, that’s one way.

Another way, another key to intimacy and another key for a prophet’s life, talking to God, talking to Jesus, and having conversations with Jesus and God and you may not have two-way conversations with God but I’d hope that if you’re called to be a prophet that God would speak to you and Jesus would speak to you. You’ve got to reach a stage if you’re called to the prophetic, if you’re called to be a prophet, you’ve got to reach a stage where your spiritual ears are open and you can actually hear God speak and you can actually hear Jesus speak and you can actually hear the Holy Spirit speak. You’ve got to get to a stage where you can hear them and one good way to really get to know Jesus and God and the Holy Spirit is to ask Jesus questions, to ask the God head questions.

You can ask Jesus questions about anything and He will answer you. He may say you’re not ready to hear the answer to that. That may be his answer sometimes. But most of the time, it’s the Holy Spirit that’s moving on your life to encourage you to ask a certain question and if the Holy Spirit inspires you to ask questions, then Jesus is going to give you the answer – I’ve spent hundreds and thousands of hours speaking to Jesus and having two-way conversations. I do pray sometimes like a normal person and pray a prayer that people hear in churches and people hear ministers pray, but it’s pretty rare that I pray a prayer like that. It’s only when someone asks me to pray for them that and they’re standing there and they want you to pray in person to pray a prayer like that.

Most other times, times of what you would call prayer, is me just communicating back and forth with Jesus, having conversations, and Jesus talks back to me and we have conversations and one major key like I’ve just mentioned, is to ask Jesus questions and you can ask Jesus questions about His life on Earth, you can ask Him questions about anything, about anyone and about Jesus only has good things to say about people most of the time. He’ll call out the gold in people. He’ll call out the good things in people. You can discuss the bad things that someone like Obama is doing if you are interested in politics and you’re in America. You might be interested in hearing Jesus’ perspective on Obama. You might be into the New World Order and the Illuminati and you might want to know information about that. Jesus can answer you and set your mind at ease in that situation and on that subject matter. You can ask Jesus questions on anything. And it’s really one of the best keys; one of the best secrets that I have to developing a very deep and emotional relationship with Jesus Christ is to spend time asking questions.

When you go out dating, when you go out on a date with a girl or if you go out with a guy, much of the conversation that’s in the initial stages of a relationship is based on questions. You ask question after question to find out more information about a person and slowly you fall in love with the person based on all the information, based on who you’ve come to see that they are based on the answers of the questions, that they come to answer you. Well, the same is true with Jesus. You can get to know so much of Jesus’ personality and so much about Him simply by asking Him questions. And people would wonder why would you ask Jesus questions?

Well, the same reasons why you’d ask a date questions, to get to know them better. And Jesus has real answers and He has real emotions. And you’re able to talk to Jesus. You can hear Him cry. You can hear Him get emotional. You can hear Him get passionate. You can hear Him get intense about certain subjects.

Jesus is an amazing person and He really isn’t understood and known very well by the average Christian. The average Christian doesn’t spend a lot of time talking to Jesus and asking Him questions. But as a prophet, you’re called to represent Jesus. You’re called to represent God and the more you know Him, the more you know his characteristics and what makes Him up, the more you can speak His voice when He tells you to say things to a person or He tells you to say things to a church. You’ve got a better understanding of who Jesus is and you can carry His words in a better format. You can carry His words in a better way because you understand the Source, you understand where He’s coming from, and it’s not new to you so people who don’t have a good understanding of God they only have an Old Testament understanding of an angry God, they’ll speak on behalf of what the God that they think they know But if they spoke to God and communicated with God, they’d understand God for who He is. He isn’t just some old fella sitting on a throne with thunderbolts and lightning ready to strike people dead and ready to throw judgement at any time. He’s a God of mercy, love and compassion and it says in 1 John that God is love and you highly question that God is a God of love based on some of the things that some prophets have to say that God and how they communicate God to other people.

So it’s very important to know God. It’s very important to know Jesus and know their personalities and know what makes them up and what makes Them laugh and what makes Them upset and what makes Them urgent for things and it’s good to know that Jesus and God have their limitations and that even though they’re all powerful, they’re limited by man on Earth and they can only move through men on Earth and so there’s a lot of injustice being done that could be stopped by the Christians of the world or alleviated by the Christians of the world. There’s a lot of suffering in the world that could be slowed down or stopped if the Christians of the world acted and moved and weren’t selfish and weren’t spending money on themselves and living up a lifestyle of fleshly pursuits.

A lot of work can be done in the third world nations and a lot of suffering could be alleviated if people actually cared and one day I’ll have my stage, you can see some of my personality coming out that I’m concerned too and you can talk to God and you Jesus about the concerned and co-labor with them. Once you get to know Jesus on an intimate level, you know that every person is important to Him and when you know Him for who He is you’ll realise that the prostitute  the pimp, the slave trafficker,  the paedophile and the homosexual - all these people in the world looked down upon that Jesus loves intimately and He’s got a tremendous love for. And it changes your attitude and the way that you treat people and you correspond with people and you interact with people online and face to face.

So, asking Jesus questions will get you to this place. Reading the Word of God and spending hours and even years in the Gospels will get you to a place to understand who Jesus is. Asking Him questions about the Gospels and what He was thinking and what He was meaning when He talked will get you even into a closer space.

Another key to a prophet’s life is a life of obedience. God has called you as a prophet to be his representative and that means that you should be going about your life listening to the commands of the Holy Spirit, commands of Jesus and the things that God tells you to do and actually doing them. I just produced a book called Great Cloud of Witnesses Speak and it’s of interviews with 19 saints from Heaven and what they had to say about this life and this Earth and advice that they have for people on Earth. It was a very hard to publish. I come under a lot of criticism by many well-meaning Christians saying that I was practicing necromancy talking to the dead and we know that everyone is alive in Christ and they’re alive in Heaven so I’m not speaking to dead people. But I come under tremendous criticisms but Jesus called me to write that book.

He brought the saints down. The Holy Spirit brought the saints down to be interviewed, and He was with me every step of the way but I could have refused to do this book. Jesus told me that two people before me had started the project and then stopped because the criticism and they backed out of it because of the pressure that was came upon their life because of it. So I was determined not to back out but I had a lot of pressure and there was a lot of reason not go through with the project but I persisted and I just published the book a couple of days ago. So it’s important to obey Jesus. The disciples not only walked with Jesus but when Jesus left they obeyed the Holy Spirit and did things which all accept John, they ended up getting killed for.  They obeyed Jesus right into death. They didn’t consider their lives were more important than the call of Jesus on their life and we’re called to obey Jesus, to obey the Holy Spirit, and to obey God in what he’s called us to do and you really can only get so far.

You can’t get really close to God without a life of obedience and you certainly can’t become a beloved friend of God if you’re not obedient, if you’re not walking with Him and doing what He calls you to do. One explanation of a prophet’s life can be found in Isaiah 42 and it says in Isaiah 42 Verse 6,

I the Lord have called you in righteousness and I’ll hold your hand. I’ll keep you and give you as a covenant to the people, as a light to the Gentiles, to open blind eyes, to bring out prisoners from the prison. Those who sit in darkness from the prison house. I’m the Lord. That is my name and my glory I will not give to another. Nor my praise to carved images. Behold! The former things have come to pass. And new things I declare. Before they spring forth I tell you of them.

So he says I’m the Lord. I’ve called you in righteousness and I’ll hold your hand. That’s a very close relationship, a hand in hand, talking hand in hand with God, and you walk hand in hand with God when you obey him, when you’re walking in obedience and fellowship with him. And, behold the former things have come to pass and new things I declare. Before they spring forth I tell you of them. A prophet is in constant communion with God and He tells you things and explains what’s going on in your life and he declares new things as they come about, he’ll declare the new things to you.

So it’s important that you read the Word. It’s important that you talk to God and have time in prayer. It’s important that you ask Jesus questions and ask God questions and it’s important that you obey. It’s important that you live a life set apart for God, it’s time for the world to live in a way that is different. It’s time for a prophet to live life in a way that is set apart. I’m just looking up a scripture for us because it describes it good. In 1 John 2:15 ( NLT)  goes on and says,

Do not love the world. Do not love the world nor the things it offers you for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see and a pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father but from the world. And this world is fading away along with everything that people crave but anyone who does what pleases God will live forever.

That is calling people who read that and meditate on that and obey that to come out the world. That’s calling people to live a life separate from the world and there isn’t a lot of teaching out there that will teach a person how to live separate from the world.

It’s one thing for me to say live a life set apart and live a life that’s holy and set apart for God. It’s another thing for people to actually work out how to do that. James  4:3 , says:

You ask and do not receive because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.

So many people do that that they’re living a life of pleasure and lust.

James 4:4 says, adulterers and adulteresses do not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God. Whoever therefore wants to be a friend with the world makes himself an enemy of God.

So there we go. To live the life of a prophet, one of the keys to living the life of a prophet is to live a life that is set apart, a life that doesn’t necessarily have to have the best that the world offers. Of course, a prophet visiting churches needs to be dressed nicely, and sometimes a prophet will need a car or sometimes you’ll need a house and he’ll need the things of the world but it’s not consumed by the things of the world, it’s not sitting down on TV watching TV and having to buy everything as they come about. A prophet that’s truly called by the Lord will use his smartphone to post Facebook updates that will challenge people. He’ll use his computer to make videos and to write letters and to write books. He’ll be using his TV to relax and see about the things of the world that he can speak into. Everything that’s in a prophet’s life that he owns will be a Kingdom asset, it will be Kingdom tool, and it will be something that he used for the Kingdom. He just doesn’t use it for his needs and lust and desires.

One day I’ll write a book, I’ll have to write a short explanation on how to live set apart. A part of the holiness is to be set apart, a part is a definition of holiness rather than just living a righteous life is to live a life consecrated to the Lord.. Part of holiness is to be set apart and there are not a lot of people preaching that we need to be set apart. Of course John preached it and shared it there. We heard it from John there that not to love the things of world. We heard it from James saying that if you’re a friend of the world then you’re an enemy of God.

There are just not a lot of people out there preaching in pulpits and showing the people of God to be set apart. Of course if the people of God were set apart and they were faithful to God and concerned about God and His interests, they’d be collecting together and they’d be being used more powerfully and the world would be a better place. It’s just that Christians seem to be just as big a consumer as is everyone else and they seemed to be turned on by the things of the world. They love to do the things of the world and like I said in a previous chapter, they like to talk about sports and they like to talk about TV shows and they like to talk about everything outside of God. There doesn’t seem to be many people that can discuss Jesus and discuss the Kingdom for hours.

Many Christians would recoil at what I just said. One of the things about being a prophet is that your whole life will be focused on God and his Kingdom and anything that takes you away from that, you’ll quickly dismiss and come back to it. A prophet for instance, one of the keys to having a proper prophetic life, another key is to be set apart with people. You can’t have people in your life that are draining you. You can’t have people in your life that are pulling the anointing out of you. You can’t have people in your life who have got Jezebel spirits.

You’ve got to separate yourself from those people and sometimes those people will draw really close to you and become a very close friend until the Holy Spirit shows you through discernment that that person has got a Jezebel spirit. You have to cut those people off and tell them you can’t have anything to do with them whilst they’ve got that spirit. I have found that 90% of people with a Jezebel spirit will say that they haven’t got that spirit when you confront them. That’s just sad and unfortunate that they can’t become set free of something they don’t agree that they’ve got.

 So it will come at the price of separation.  Being set apart also is having friends that are helpful to you and having friends add to you and God would prefer that you be friendless than have friends that are dragging you back into the world.

If you’ve got to be a friend simply by talking about things of the world with someone and that’s the price you pay for having the friend, is the friend really worth it for you? Isn’t it better that you commune with God and commune with Jesus and commune with the saints of Heaven and have the saints of Heaven as friends and have God as your friend, rather than have to demean yourself and lower your standards to have conversations that are meaningless and full of the world and full of flesh? So I’m glad I’m talking to people who are called to be prophets because the average person listening to this would say this guy is too intense. He’s just too full on.

There are some of the keys to the prophetic life. So we’ve covered quite a few of them, and I hope there’d be many more. Another key to a prophet’s is a life of worship and worship isn’t just listening to worship music and singing but worship is a life dedicated to Jesus and you’re whole life and everything you do are focused on the Kingdom.  Worshiping God calls for obedience and you live this life that is set apart and through living a set apart life in obedience every day in constant communion with God, you live a lifestyle of worship that your life is an everlasting and fragrance to God.  God can look down upon you as He looked down upon Job and brag to Satan, “have you ever seen someone so beautiful? Have you ever seen someone so obedient?”

Living a life in constant obedience and constant devotion to God is a life of worship and you can learn to worship and play worship music and have worship music playing in your house all the time. You need to keep yourself uplifted and in the Spirit and anointed and worship music is a wonderful thing. There’s more to worship than simply listening and singing music. There’s a lifestyle that you can live and so I hope this video has encouraged you and I hope as you read the book that you’ll be encouraged by what I’ve had to share and I hope you can transform your life into developing these characteristics into your life. God bless.





What is a Prophetic Person and What is a Prophet

There’s a difference between a prophetic person and a prophet. A prophetic person as we discussed is someone who can flow in the gift of prophecy and move in the gift of prophecy. There are many Christians who have the ability to prophesy. It doesn’t necessarily make them a prophet. I did read in a book that was written by an Indian apostle on the gifts of the spirit and the offices of the five-fold ministry. He said in that book, I’m pretty sure he said everyone who prophesies one day will become a prophet. There would be a lot of people that would disagree with that statement though.

I’m pretty sure that’s what he said. It’s coming after twenty years of prophesying myself – I seem to find that it’s an easy thing to do to prophesy and for that reason I encourage everyone I meet to get the gift of prophecy and start to move in the gift of prophecy. Prophecy is such a wonderful gift and it’s such a encouraging thing to do to speak life over people, to call the gold out in people, to recognize the beautiful things in a person and call them out and let a person know what God specifically thinks of them and reasons why God admires them.

I find many of my prophecies that I do have the different characteristics of a person in them and what God admires about those different characteristics. My prophecies can be very encouraging. Sometimes my prophecies lack in direction, in giving people direction, that’s something I’m working on but I do pass on everything that I feel the Lord gives to pass on to people. Part of my prophetic gifting is growing so in saying that I find it easy to prophesy, I still am growing in the prophetic gift and I don’t think anyone even if they’ve been prophesying for forty years would say that they’re not growing in their gift all the time so to be a prophetic person is essentially moving in the prophetic gifts and a prophetic person is a wonderful person to have in your church.

I feel that many people in churches should be prophetic and it’s my aim one day to go from church to church and do seminars and teach everyone in the church to move prophetically. I know that would be very encouraging for the flock and very encouraging for every individual that visits the church to have people in the church that can tell them things about their life and about what God feels about them and about their future. A prophet is called from his birth, he may not know at birth, it may take many years before he realises there’s a call on his life.

In my life for instance, I didn’t know I was called to be a prophet until I heard someone preach on the five-fold ministry. He went through each of the five-fold ministry apostle, prophet, evangelists, pastors and teachers and went through each of them and described what each of them does. At the end of that teaching I realised that I was called to more than a stranger and called to more than non-Christians but I was essentially called to people in the church also and so I decided I must be a prophet and I must have been called to be a prophet.

I was deciding to start to  learn what a prophet is and  what is required in the office of prophet and start to move towards working towards what I’m meant to do as a prophet and I was a chat site. I was on a forum on the computer when they used to have forums and you could go in and chat to people, it was a Christian chat site, and I called myself prophetic. I had this girl who came online and asked for a prophecy off me and I gave her a prophecy and she said this is really amazing and I said what? She said, “I was just upstairs with my sick mother in hospital and I said to myself that I really to need to speak to a prophet.” Lord, she prayed to the Lord and asked the Lord could she speak to a prophet and she said, “ I came online and you’re online. Are you a prophet?” And it was at that time that I typed back, “Yes I believe that am called to be one.

Now, many people feel that when they’ve got the gift of prophecy and they’re called to be a prophet, many people mistakenly assume that they’re already a prophet. That’s like someone in the first class of medical school or in the first month of six years study, that’s like someone in the first month of medical school calling themselves a doctor. You know, when you get the gift of prophecy, it takes many years, sometimes ten to twenty-five years to develop in character and to develop in skill and abilities to become a prophet in their office. So one of the mistakes of the Kingdom and one of the big mistakes that young prophets make is going around telling everybody that they are a prophet. It may have been prophesied over them by a prophet that they’re called to be a prophet and God’s calling on their life and they’re a prophet but it doesn’t seem to be much sound teaching around that says to these people that it’s going to take ten to twenty-five years for you to develop into the office of prophet.  They go around and can do a lot of damage in their pride telling people that they’re a prophet and people assuming that they’ve got the experience of a prophet and finding that they come well short of having the experience and the character of a prophet.

In his book The Seer James Goll mentions that there is up to twelve types of prophets. The last three he mentioned covered me. They were prophetic, writers, prophetic equippers, and prophetic evangelists.

I’ve written 7 books and I am pretty gifted in teaching people things and this will be the focus of another book. This will turn into a book, these videos; will be part of a short book on the prophetic. So I’m a prophetic teacher and equipper but prophets can be very emotional about issues. They want to come into a situation and preach on an issue that’s wrong. A prophet will see what’s wrong in a congregation or what’s wrong in a city or what’s wrong in a country, and will preach the truth according to that era. A prophet most of the time, very emotional, prophets can be very lonely, they have an intimate friendship with the Lord and they can be very intense people.

And so for that reason because they’re so passionate for Jesus and very intense, this can stop them from having many friends. It’s not as though they don’t desire friends. It’s just that they don’t want anything to do with the world and lust of the flesh and they live a life that separate world and the fact of the matter is many Christians love to live with one foot in the world and one foot in God’s Kingdom and a prophet just can’t stand that. And so he won’t lower himself or herself to that standard to talk all day about the football or talk all day about a current TV show on TV. A prophet in many instances can’t relate to people who are in the world and are living a really fleshy lifestyle.

So prophets have a mandate from God that some prophet’s are called to the nation to prophesy over the nation and have an impact on the nation; some other prophets are called just to be a prophet in their church and be available for people in the church. Some prophets are called to an itinerate ministry where they travel from church to church and place to place and nation to nation.

There’s many different flavours of a prophet but a prophet speaks on behalf of God and not only speaks when he’s saying prophetic words but often when a prophet is preaching, there’s a prophetic edge to what he’s teaching. On many occasions it’s not a prepared message but the Holy Spirit speaks through a prophet and the prophet delivers a now-word for the congregation that he’s in, a word that’s applicable right now the people. It’s not a message that’s two-thousand years old. It’s not a message that’s five years old. A prophet will deliver a message that is due to be delivered that day.   Even the sermon in that church the week before, was preparation for everything that the prophet has to say. All that has happened in the week before and the weeks and months before the prophet appears in that church was preparing the church for the prophets message.. So, a prophet would do well to listen to God and deliver only what God wants said. Many prophets may have an agenda.

Many prophets may have a pet peeve or a pet interest that they want to get out there. One of my things that I’m very passionate about is the sheep and the goat’s parable; that I was hungry, I was thirsty, I was naked, a stranger, I was in prison, and you didn’t help me. That’s a very message that’s very dear to my heart and one that I would share often but I’ve got to be careful as I start to preach in churches that I don’t preach on that one all the time but I allow the spirit of God to be open with me and direct me to preach exactly what the Spirit of God wants so a prophet out of everyone should be directed by God and led by God to say what they say in every situation.

Many prophets are called on for personal prophecy and they’re accurate in personal prophecy. Accuracy is something that grows like, it’s just like someone learning a game of tennis. They can start a game of tennis as a young child and know the fundamentals of tennis, know how to serve and how to return a ball and how to do a slice and how to do a drop shot and they can know the fundamentals of tennis but a young child who’s ten years of age doesn’t play at Wimbledon. You can watch a young child play tennis and know that they can play tennis but the child isn’t invited out to play at Wimbledon. Well, that’s like someone starting with the gift of prophecy. They’ve got the fundamentals right but can’t be compared to a prophet who’s at Wimbledon, who’s on the world stage and is highly competitive and highly accurate and very good at his craft which is giving personal prophecy.

So accuracy is something that grows in a person. If you’re new to the prophetic, don’t be too concerned that you may miss and hear things that turn out to be wrong. I still hear things that are missed from time to time and even with a high level of accuracy I can be wrong and that just keeps your humble. That lets you know that you’re dependant on the Holy Spirit and it’s not just your own ego and your own personal strength that allows you to prophesy but you’re always dependant on the Holy Spirit to give you the words to fill your mouth.  It’s very interesting that someone with twenty years of experience prophesying can still get things wrong but I thoroughly admit to you that from time to time I say a word of knowledge that isn’t correct and I’m told that that wasn’t correct and that’s just something that keeps you humble. I’m not endorsing people getting things wrong but in a prophetic game, in a ministry of the prophetic, people have to have the assurance that getting something wrong isn’t the end of the ministry.

Many people quit the prophetic pursuit and quit prophesying because they get a couple of prophecies wrong and the only one that wins in that scenario is Satan. Satan shuts down really good people, people that are going to be used to give thousands of prophecies in the future, he shuts them down by them getting a string of wrongs prophecies and they totally give up on prophesying. Satan is very happy with that. The Kingdom of God, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are saddened by that and sometimes they can resurrect that person and encourage that person to start again. Sometimes they can’t and that’s a shame and Satan is really against the prophetic. He hates it with a vengeance and he’ll use a person’s lack of feedback to really harass you and harass your mind. You may prophesy over someone and they don’t give you feedback and suddenly your mind is thinking you’ve got it wrong, they’re not replying, they’re not responding because you got it so wrong and how could you do that?

Your mind runs off with all these sorts that Satan places in it and gets into worry. So it takes an amazing strength to pursue and to continue to pursue the Lord and prophesy. It takes amazing courage to prophesy over a nation or prophesy over a church. Some churches in their worship time allow a prophetic person to get up and prophesy over the church and that takes courage to that. It certainly is a privilege that the Lord affords certain prophets and prophetic people to do.

Some people move in the flesh. Some people get up at church and feel that God wants to say something but it’s actually them and their own agenda that want to say something and those people get up and put words in God’s mouth and do prophecies that aren’t necessarily from God. And this is why in scripture it says that prophets are subject to the prophets and in those circumstances, if you had a properly healthy church, the pastor and one of the prophets in the church might take that person aside and say that that prophecy wasn’t from God. “You made that up and that came from your flesh. In future, you come and speak to me before you deliver a prophecy and I’ll tell you whether you can deliver it or not.”

Sometimes a prophetic person or a prophet or the pastor of the church and step in after the prophecy and tell the church that that wasn’t a word from the Lord but that would be highly embarrassing for the person.

You can learn a lot from a prophet. They say that a prophet will often live out his message and will have lived out his message before he brings the message to a people. So he doesn’t preach out of other people’s books. He doesn’t look at other people’s books and other people’s revelation and then write a book about the same subject himself. He actually lives out what he’s going to preach. His preaching is most times from experience. I found in the seven books I’ve written, I’ve done no research for the books. I didn’t spend time reading other people’s books to do research.

I just sat down and made videos about the different subjects and different chapter headings that I made out to be part of the book. So I didn’t research other books. I didn’t go to other places to research my books. I just simply spoke my books or wrote my books according to the knowledge that I possessed and a prophet should be able to speak from the things that he knows so he shouldn’t be presumptuous, he shouldn’t be speaking things that God hasn’t placed on his heart. He shouldn’t be speaking his opinions. He should be speaking on behalf of God. Of course you’re allowed as anyone in the body of Christ, you’re allowed to speak you opinions. You can have opinions.


That’s what life is all about. But when it comes to other people, you should be speaking your convictions and the things that God has laid on your heart. Are all prophets right? No, not all prophets are right. Prophets are always on a journey of discovery of Biblical truths and theologies. Some prophets have wrong theology. Some prophets, for instance, believe in a judgemental God and an angry God and believe in the God of the Old Testament and don’t factor in the fact that we’re in a New Covenant and God is best represented through Jesus Christ and the love of Jesus. Some prophets are stuck in that Old Covenant doctrine and that Old Covenant relationship with God and these prophets are more angry individuals and speak of judgement and doom and all sorts of things.

These prophets are very big on preaching holiness and yet their own attitude sometimes can be unholy. And then there’s prophets that know the grace message and have got a proper understanding of grace and they come across a whole lot differently. There’s two ways you can share un-holiness. You can be a person who preaches gloom and doom and fear and the fact that if you’re not holy you’re not going to see God like it says in Hebrews. You can preach this scary message or you can preach a message of grace to say that God loves you and he wants everyone to go to Heaven that’s saved and his blood covers a multitude of sins and encourage people to live a holy life, to live a life separated to God. There’s two ways you can do everything. You can threaten people or you can encourage people. And that would be the difference between the two prophets that are out there in the world.

There are many prophets out there in the world speaking of judgement and End Times and holiness that God is an angry god. He’s angry with abortions. He’s angry with this. He’s angry with marriage equality and America. He’s angry with this. He’s angry, angry, angry, and it just seems that those prophets themselves are angry and don’t seem to have a lot of peace. I understand these prophets that are angry and preach judgement and the woes of God; simply because I was one of them in years’ past before I came into the understanding of the message of grace.

It says in scripture in the book of Revelation that a great Angel will go and preach the everlasting Gospel to the whole world. And I believe that everlasting Gospel that the angel preaches is the Gospel of grace, the same Gospel of grace that Paul taught and I believe that it’s not until the Gospel of grace has been shown and delivered to the whole world that Jesus will come back. So I hope I’ve given you some insights. There are many characteristics of a prophet. But a prophet will find it very hard not to be intense. I can be down to earth and talk to people about their TV shows and talk to people about their sport, but it’s just like talking about the weather to me.  It’s like a real, low surface sort of conversation. It just seems to be able to have good friends these days. as a prophet you’ve got to lower your standards and lower what you’re talking about. The majority of Christians can’t endure talking about Christian things for more than half an hour at a time and that’s just the way I find people. I’m a very close to Jesus, a prophet will be a friend of God and literally be a friend of God and God will speak to the prophet and look after the prophet and be the prophet’s friend.

I heard one teacher; I think it was Thomas Kempis from the Catholic tradition. I think he said that if God really loves you, you won’t have any friends and only God will be your friend. And I feel that that is how it is for me. I’ve got a couple of friends but that’s pretty true for my life.  I have Jesus as a friend and saints from Heaven as my friends and angels as my friends. It is an enjoyable but lonely life. Prophets are rejected by many people. It’s easy for a person who disagrees with you to call you a false prophet because you claim to be a prophet. It’s easy to be rejected when you’re talking about issues like feeding the hungry and feeding the homeless and giving justice to people who are lacking in justice. It is easy to be rejected when you’re talking about righteousness and Kingdom principles to people who are lukewarm and people who are just treat their faith with God as an accessory like a handbag that it’s just one of the things in their life. When you’re talking about righteousness and a Kingdom principles and justice to people who don’t want to know about that, you can be easily rejected. Prophets can be perceived as weird but the church vitally needs prophets. A prophet in the Old Testament time used to turn a whole nation toward God when they were sinning and far from God.

Prophets today can come into a church and speak at a church at a week and totally address every problem that’s affecting that church and they can speak with authority which will have an impact on the church. This will greatly please the pastor because the pastor can continue to be the loving pastor to the church and he can use a prophet to come in and speak the hard words that the church needs to hear. So, that’s one characteristic of a prophet that they speak the Word of God. They answer problems. They give direction. They give vision to a church. They refresh pastors. They co-labour with pastors.

Any prophet that comes into a church and embarrasses a pastor and abuses his authority is a prophet abuses his authority is a prophet that won’t be invited back to that church but he’s actually walked out of alignment with God. That a prophet should be respectful to any pastor whose church he’s invited to. Sometimes God may call the prophet to speak to the church in a way that will have him not invited back but a prophet has got to be very sure that God saying that and got to be very sure his message will affect enough people to warrant the fact that he might not be invited by the pastor again.

I enjoy my life as a prophet. I am someone who dearly loves the Lord and I’m still finding my feet in the prophetic office. I am in the office now but I’m still finding my feet. I think everyone in the Christian life is always going to be learning more about God and more about their purpose every day they live. I’m growing into my purpose but a prophet is a full on calling and one that can be a lot grief in a prophet’s life, a lot of rejection, misunderstanding, and suffering. There can be many years where a prophet is in a refiner’s fire and getting refined and persecuted by people but also going through personal traumas and sufferings and it’s only on the other end of all that refining that you can be used faithfully as a prophet. God knows what He’s doing and if you’re suffering, you’re rejected, you’re misunderstood, you’re lonely, you’re sad, and God is your only source, there’s a good chance that you’re being called to be a prophet and prepared for that.

Being Prophetic, What is That?


Being Prophetic, What is That?

Paul taught a lot on the gifts and in One Corinthians 14, Verse 1 he says, “Pursue love and desire spiritual gifts but especially that you may prophesy.” Paul says in another place that a prophecy is the best spiritual gift. Paul also says in another place that you are to covet the gift of prophecy.
So let’s go through these three scriptures. The other two I haven’t got the reference for, but let’s go through these three scriptures and have a look at them in a little bit more detail. “Pursue love and desire spiritual gifts but especially that you may prophesy.” So, Paul says to pursue love. Now, the prophetic is a way of life for some people. The ability to prophesy with the three gifts of the Holy Spirit; prophecy, word of wisdom and word of knowledge really have a shock and awe factor to it. If you can accurately walk up to a stranger and tell them all about their life and their future, you command respect especially when you start going forth it words of knowledge all about them, information that you couldn’t possibly know. You get their attention. They know within thirty seconds of your talking that you’re getting information from somewhere and they’re having a profound encounter. So, Paul starts off that statement or that verse by saying pursue love.

I really have to tell you that over the last twenty years since I’ve been operating in this spirit of prophecy, love is the most important thing. You’ve got to pursue Jesus and you’ve got to pursue love because it’s out of love that you get all the ability and the unction and the motivation to prophesy. Many people will say that a prophecy is like garbage and most prophets give these really bland and generic words that could be for anyone and they don’t really respect the gift of prophecy. They think it’s for crazy lunatics and fringe people and not for the educated and not for the wise among us.
And when they’re talking about bland prophecies, they’re talking a person who has prophesied things over them like you’ve had a very uncomfortable life and you haven’t always fitted in which is true of everyone. And God knows your dreams and He’s going to step forth over the coming years and see your dreams are fulfilled. You can actually get six or eight verses from the Bible and string them all together and make a very generic positive sounding message. But if that prophecy lacks the key element of words of knowledge, supernatural information about the person, it doesn’t ring authentic.

It doesn’t ring a bell with the person because there was nothing in it that proved to them that it was really divine. But if you start out like I started out with a guy tonight at Burger King, things can be quite different. As I left the Lord said speak to him and highlighted the man. I normally say to a total stranger, “Excuse me, I have a gift, and from time to time that gift lets me get a message for a person. Today I’ve got a message for you.” I said that little introduction and I went in to say, “You’re a really kind hearted person. You’ve got a lot of kindness and you’ve got a lot of compassion and you really treat people well. You’re a really good listener and you’re a really good encourager and you’ve got no judgement in you. You treat everyone the same. And you treat people with dignity and respect and I want you to know that God really admires that in you. He really admires you for being the kind and compassionate person you are.

The man said, “That’s a really lovely thing to say about me.”

 I replied, “But its true isn’t it?”

 And he said, “Yeah that is true but thank you so much for that.”  

I said “God bless you. Have a good day.” So all of that prophecy was words of knowledge. And the person knows that this total stranger seems to know all about them.

So the only reason why you’ll get generic prophecies, bland prophecies is because the person prophesying lacks love and the courage to step out and give words of knowledge. They want to be recognized as a prophetic person. They want to have the status of being able to walk up to people and rock people’s world with prophecy. They want to be seen as a superstar moving in gifts of prophecy. But they haven’t got the audacity or the courage to say something that could be wrong on the spot.

What if  I came up to a person and said that they were really humble now but they were not always humble and that the Lord had to put them through a few years of testing and refining  so that now they can be used.

If I share that with a person a prophecy full of word of knowledge, they know straight away that it’s right. But if I shared that with a person and they hadn’t been through that two or three year testing and they weren’t prideful and in fact, they didn’t consider themselves humble, they’d know straight away that I was wrong. And they’d say, can you leave me alone? That’s total garbage that you’re talking about. So, it’s very important to know that the prophet starts with true love because it’s only love for your fellow man that lets you take the risk of getting something wrong.

God is quite able to speak to people and quite able to give a prophet or a prophetic person words of knowledge. But if the prophetic person lacks love, they won’t step out and they won’t say words of knowledge. And they’ll end up just going around being part of the prophetic team, giving bland and generic prophecies. You could stand up in any church that allows prophetic words in the service, in the worship time and you could string together five or six scriptures and no one could say to you that your prophecy wasn’t spiritually and Biblically based. But if the Spirit of the Lord hadn’t moved on you and hadn’t given you the unction to share those scriptures, that’s not a prophecy.

That’s just you pretending to be spiritual. And there are many people that step up and say eloquent things in churches where the Holy Spirit hasn’t inspired them to do it. It’s been them wanting to be someone special and someone spiritual. So, that’s why it says the prophets are subject to the prophets. Let everyone speak one after another and let the prophet’s judge. It’s a prophet who knows the voice of the Lord. I know, I know when someone gets up and shares scripture after scripture in a so called prophetic word, I know when the Holy Spirit inspired it and I know when the person’s own flesh got them out of the seat and had them boasting and trying to bare gifts.

So, bland prophecies without words of knowledge in them come from people who are scared and people that just don’t the love the person they’re affecting. Words of knowledge get the attention of the person you’re speaking to. I normally launch into two or three words of knowledge about a person’s character straight off the bat to get their attention. Then I move into prophecy and words of wisdom once I’ve got their attention and their solidly convinced that something supernatural is happening to them. And then they pay attention to me saying that God wants you to be a teacher and He wants you to be study more and get more information into you. Spend more time in the Word of God because God wants you to teach people in the future. When I give him a directional word like that, the word of wisdom, he’s more inclined to do that because for the first five minutes I have just rocked his world telling him all about himself and I was a total stranger to him. So he’s more inclined to obey the direction of the Lord. So, pursue love. Without love, you won’t take a risk. So it says pursue love, desire spiritual gifts but especially prophecy. So, the Pentecostal Churches in some respects are very immature.

People boast and think someone is lesser of a Christian when they don’t have the tongue’s gift. I’ve got the gift of tongues and I can only speak one sentence in tongues. The gift of tongues is never developed in my life so I’m embarrassed to pray in tongues in front of someone because I’m just saying the same gibberish sentence over and over again. I find power just singing a chorus in a worship song over and over, I get more anointed and more refreshed  just singing the chorus than saying the same one tongues line, but the average Pentecostal thinks that’s they’re supernatural because they speak in tongues. And they’ve got the gift of tongues because they got baptised in the Holy Spirit and it’s the evidence that they’re baptised in the Holy Spirit if they speak in tongues.

Many people, who have tongues, don’t speak in tongues all the time. Many don’t pray in tongues for half an hour. They don’t have a discipline for praying for other people and praying in the Spirit for other people and praying over their life and requesting things for the Holy Spirit and praying these perfect prayers. They have the gift of tongues but they don’t use it like they should.  If you have the gift of tongues you should be able to prophesy. If you have the gift of Jesus’ blood shed for you, you have access to God. Your spirit has been born again and you now got access and ability for the Holy Spirit and Jesus and the Father to speak directly to your spirit. If you can hear Jesus speak to you, you can prophesy.

All you’ve got to do is repeat what He says. Jesus might say, “Tell John that his boss isn’t always going to be there but he’s got to persevere in that job because he’s got to learn what it’s like to be a boss that’s under pressure and he’s got to learn not to act like that boss. So tell him to hold on, his boss isn’t going to be there forever but persevere and learn how to be a better man.”

 If you shared this with John, it would really bless him. And you have to consider that having the ability to hear Jesus say that and then go up and tell John that, you’ve solved his dilemma because he was in the paper looking for other jobs, his marriage is on the rocks a little bit because he’s under stress all the time, and he’s taking it out on his wife. That simple message that Jesus told you to tell John could have massive ramifications on John’s life. So, you don’t have to be Spirit filled to move in the gift of prophecy.

 I was moving in the gift of prophecy and prophesying over people for years before I was baptised in the Holy Spirit. So that’s a fallacy that the gifts of the Holy Spirit can only be in operation when someone’s baptised in the Holy Spirit. People who are not baptised in the Holy Spirit who pray a prayer of faith over someone can actually heal a person. They don’t have to have the gift of healing. Their faith and a prayer and heal a person.

You can certainly repeat what Jesus told you to tell to a person and prophesy. I was prophesying for many years before I knew that I had a gift of prophecy. I grew up as a Baptist and in Baptist Church they don’t believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the baptism of the Holy Spirit so I’d never been told about what prophecy is. Jesus used to give me messages to say to people in my taxi. I drove a taxi, and Jesus used to say things like “tell this guy to forgive his mom. His mom was hard on him and didn’t bail him out when he was in jail but she wanted him to learn a lesson and tell him that mom just didn’t understand. It was a lesson in there. People were bashing you up and you really wish your mom could have taught the lesson outside of jail and cut your allowance or something rather than allowing people to beat you up in prison. Forgive your mom.”

I’ve been driving a taxi and talking to this young twenty-two year old who’s rough around the edges who’s just come out of a pub and Jesus will say to me, tell him this. And the next thing I know is he’s crying. I didn’t lead him to the Lord. I didn’t say a sinner’s prayer. But I touched him where he needed to be touched. And he found the grace to go home and forgive his mom that she just didn’t know better. A lot of people are making mistakes in this world because they simply don’t know better. They’re doing the best that they can. And mom thought not bailing him out and leaving him in prison for a month until he’s court hearing and was arraigned was going to teach him a lesson and discipline him but he actually got beat up in prison and he got really hurt.

He felt really betrayed by his mother that she would leave him in prison.  So that really touched the guy. So that’s just an example of Jesus talking to you and then you passing that on. So, when Paul says pursue love, desire the spiritual gifts, he’s saying, don’t stop at tongues, but learn to prophesy. In the whole of 1 Corinthians Chapter 14, Paul is talking about how much better prophecy is than the gift of tongues. If you read the whole of Chapter 14, he’s just saying that the gift of prophecy just rocks all over tongues. He’s got an argument and if we had an hour and a half I’d go through the scriptures one by one and you probably would get the message.

So you are to desire the gift of prophecy. If you desire the gift of prophecy, God will grant it to you and God will let you move in it. And desire the spiritual gifts, especially prophecy. So he starts the chapter on comparing tongues and prophecy by saying especially to desire prophecy. Desire spiritual gifts but especially prophecy; so everyone can prophesy – the second thing is Paul said, is that prophecy is the best gift and I haven’t got the reference for that but I know he said it. That means that signs and wonders and healing, miracles, the gift of miracles, the gift of healings, they’re not as good as prophecy. That’s what Paul’s saying. He’s saying prophecy is the best gift. If he’s saying desire to spiritual gifts but especially prophecy, why is he saying that?

Because through prophecy we learned in the first video or the first chapter of the book if you’re going to be reading the book now, through prophecy you get to know how God feels about you. You get to know all of God’s emotions towards you. You get to know who you really are. You get to know who you were created to be and that you’re special and you’re dynamic and you’re unique and you’ve got all these talents and abilities in you and prophecy just revolutionizes your life.

After a lot of prophecy and a lot of edification and building up and encouragement by God through the mouths of other people, you can go out and move in the gifts of healing really powerfully. But you wouldn’t have got there in many cases if you hadn’t had a lot of prophecies saying that you’re going to be a powerful healer. So prophecy is amazing. Prophecy is the best gift.

I said we’re going to cover the three scriptures, Paul says to covet the gift of prophecy. Now in the Old Testament it says in the Ten Commandments you’re not to covet your neighbor’s wife, you’re not to covet your neighbor’s oxen; you’re not to covet your neighbor’s possessions.  

You’re not to covet your neighbor’s donkey, in today’s terms that means don’t covet what your neighbor has, don’t covet his car, his sense of transportation. Don’t see a car that you really like that your neighbor has got or someone has got, a friend of yours has got and don’t get jealous and want his car or want a car like that. But it’s so important not to be jealous and covet that it’s one of the Ten Commandments but Paul says to covet the gift of prophecy, to go after it, to want it, to desire it with all that you have.

I must imagine that Paul prophesied a lot and built a lot of people up just like me.  I’ve done thousands of prophesies to strangers, I’m sure Paul was always using his prophetic gift in conversations with people to open them up and prophecy really opens people up and gets conversation going. So, we’re going to get to it before we’re finished, Being Prophetic, What is That? Well, if you move in the gifts of prophecy then you’re prophetic. That’s what it is. If you’re able to move in the gift of word of knowledge, word of wisdom, and prophecy. If you pray a prayer and you have the gifts of prophecy imparted to you, then you’re prophetic.

Now, many people have got the gifts of prophecy but aren’t prophets and we’re going to deal with that in the next chapter or the next video. But if you can move powerfully in the gifts of prophecy, then you’re prophetic. Now, Moses wished that all men were prophets it says in the Bible. Moses wished that all men were prophetic. Moses was a prophet. God didn’t talk to everyone in the Old Testament. Only kings, priests, and prophets could hear from God on a regular basis and so Moses was wishing that everyone could hear from God. Well now we’ve got the Holy Spirit that comes into us and makes us into a new creation and opens up our spirits to have the frequency tuned to God.

Now we’ve all got the capacity and the ability to hear from God and when you’ve got the ability to and capacity to hear from God, then you can pass on His messages to other people. So Moses back in his day was looking forward to the modern day when everyone who is a Christian can hear from God.

In the future I’ll be teaching whole congregations how to prophesy and taking them out into the streets to prophesy to strangers. Then we’ll come back from the streets and debrief and I will be equipping them and building them up and getting them better and better though training. I will be teaching all of the people in the church to be a prophetic and mentoring the people who are to be powerful prophets. And I’ll be just going from church to church equipping people and putting people through courses to develop in their spiritual gifts.

So, prophecy is amazing. And to be able to move in prophecy effectively you’re a prophetic person. So that essentially covers what this chapter was meant to be about.

If you want the gift of prophecy and you’re watching this video, a prophet, someone who’s a prophet can pray a prayer for you and impart the gift. Paul said; don’t neglect the gift Timothy that was imparted upon you by the laying on of hands. And you know, just like Jesus healed the Centurion servant, you know, by saying your boy is well, He healed through the ether. He healed just from the spoken word. The commander said  “I tell my men to go and I say go here and they go here. Just say the word.” and Jesus said no one had more faith than this guy.

This guy had more faith than the Jews. And so Jesus healed through the ether so I can just raise my hand and just pray for you and the spirit of prophecy, the gift of prophecy shall come upon your life. So if you want to move in the gifts of prophecy, if you’re watching this video or reading this book and you want to move in the gifts of prophecy, put out your hands that you’re going to receive and pray this prayer after me and then under the bottom of this video in the description tag I’ll have my email address and you can write to my email address and prophesy over me to test your gifts. So pray this prayer and then I’ll teach you how to get into the anointing to prophesy and then you can write to me and prophesy over me.

Then I’ll give you feedback and tell you how well you went and confirm with you that you truly have got the gift of prophecy. So put your hands up and pray this prayer.

Dear father, I recognize that Paul said that I’m to covet to the gift of prophecy. I recognize that Paul said that I’m to pursue love, desire the spiritual gifts, but especially that I prophesy. I’ve always want to prophesy and so dear Father, I pray that you would give me the gift of word of knowledge, the gift of word of wisdom, and the gift of prophecy.

And I accept that every good gift comes down from you and that you only give perfect gifts to your children. So what father, if his son asks for a stone or asks for some bread, would the father give him a stone? Or what father would give a bad gift to the child. I know you’re a good Father and you only give good gifts and so I thank you for the gift of prophecy, gift of word of knowledge, and gift of word of wisdom, and I’ll start to practice my gift and prophesy over everyone you’ll lead me to from this day on in Jesus name, I thank you. Amen.

 So you can go in and put some worship music on and start to worship the Lord. When you feel the presence of God come upon you, like it does at church on a Sunday when you feel the joy and the peace of the Lord and the presence of the Lord come upon you, open your email.

Type in my email address and simply type this out to me, Dear Matthew; I’ve got a prophetic word for you. Matthew, the Lord wants you to know and then say the sentence that comes to your mind after you say the Lord wants you to know. As soon as you type, “The Lord wants you to know”, a sentence will appear in your mind. Just type that sentence and then as you’re finishing that sentence, the next sentence will appear in your mind. Type that sentence and as you finish a next sentence will appear in your mind, type that sentence and around about the third or fourth sentence, you may get a thought in your mind that says I’m just making this up. This is just me.

Well that thought in your mind isn’t you’re thought, that’s Satan trying to stop you from prophesying. And just know that I’m a prophet and I know when God’s speaking and even if you’re just saying God really admires you and God really loves you and respects you, and if it sounds really simple and generic, don’t stop typing until you’ve got a couple of paragraphs of sentences because I’m the judge of whether God’s speaking and I’ve never got a prophecy that Jesus said I love you and I’m proud of you that I didn’t cry. They’re just simple words but they mean so much when the Spirit of God is on them. So, type those two paragraphs and send it to me. And title them Personal Prophecy Practice so the title of your email is Personal Prophecy Practice and type that email and send it to me.

And you’ll find that my email address in the description tag underneath this video or at the end of the chapter in the book. If you’ve watched this video and you’ve got the gift of prophecy, you can prophesy over me too by saying in the beginning of the email, I already have the gift of prophecy but I want to practice and prophesy over you and I’ll give you detailed feedback on your prophecy too. So we’ve covered everything now. And look forward to the next chapter or the next video which is “What is a Prophetic Person and a Prophet?” So, God bless you and keep you and I look forward from hearing from you.

My email for your practice is

Personal Prophecy what is it?

Personal Prophecy, What is it?

First of all, let me say that the world is very accustomed to the supernatural. People who live in the world who aren’t Christians understand that if they want to know if their life’s purpose, if they want to know about love, if they want to know about jobs, if they want to know about their future, that they can quite happily ring a psychic line or go and visit a clairvoyant, and get tarot cards read. They know that they can get their palms read, or get a clairvoyant to do a reading for them and they know they  would get all this information about their life now, their challenges now, the things they want now , and the things of the future.

The world is very open and very interested in knowing about life, knowing about their purpose, and knowing about their future. They know how to know about things that are important to them like love, like relationships, like money, like jobs, like career, like their future, and their purpose, and their destiny. These are all things that the world, that the average person wants to know. We live in a world of mystery. We live in a world where we’re given this life and we sort of arrive without any knowledge.

Both the non believers  and the Christians in this world want to know about their life, their future and purpose for living.

Andrew Wormmack, a popular Christian teacher who teaches on television on Christian Broadcast and teaches through books, He does seminars in cities around America and he teaches on people’s life purpose and their life destiny. I’ve heard him say in one of his teachings that when he teaches on life’s purpose, he asks the congregation to come forward if they don’t know what their life’s purpose is. He says in those meetings about eighty percent of the Christians present come forward. That’s very sad. It’s very sad that you could be a Christian living this in Earth and not know what you’re here for.

The fact remains, that we’re born as babies and we don’t know anything and we grow up and we get saved and we become a Christian we still don’t know anything. We can pursue things that we seem to like. We can decide when we’re young that it would be good to be an accountant or I’d like to be a builder or like to be a lawyer. We can go and do further studies and technical courses and colleges to equip ourselves for what we think that we’re meant to be doing but so many people are living in this world without answers. There are so many people in this world living just facing each day as it comes one foot after another in a purposeless, directionless existence.

Personal prophecy, what is it? Well in One Corinthians Chapter 12 it mentions the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. A  lot of gifts can be involved in prophecy but the main three gifts that are mentioned in One Corinthians 12 that have to do with prophecy is prophecy itself, word of knowledge , and word of wisdom. These three prophetic gifts work together to form what we know as a personal prophecy. Someone who gives a personal prophecy is giving information to a person about their past life, about their present life, and about their future life.

Through prophecy God supernaturally reveals information that is helpful for a person to see that:

God loves them,

for them to understand direction in life,

for them to understand their purpose in life,

for them to understand the ways that God really views them,

and what God really thinks of them.

A prophecy is to encourage and edify and exhort people. We’re meant to be built up with personal prophecy.

Prophecy is never meant to be judgemental. It’s never meant to be discouraging to a person. You should never come away from a proper personal prophecy feeling down or sad or depressed or condemned or guilty. Anyone who delivers a personal prophecy that brings shame or condemnation or guilt to a person hasn’t acted in the Spirit of God and hasn’t acted and delivered a prophecy in the proper way that prophecy is meant to be delivered.

So let’s just talk simply about personal prophecy. A personal prophecy could tell things like I’ve mentioned about things that God likes about me. God could say that he sees me as very humble. God could say that he sees me as having a teachable spirit. God could say that I’ve got a childlike faith. God could say that I’m a person of resilience. He could say that I’m a person who has perseverance. He could say I’m very patient. These are all lists of qualities that God has said to me in the past on multiple occasions. So I know that this is what God sees of me. God actually sees who you are and communicates who He sees you as through the mouth of a prophetic person. Over time with more and more prophecies that you receive through a prophetic person or a prophet, you build a portfolio of what God thinks of you and the character traits He likes about you and who you really are.

 You see, we live in a world where people measure success according to money. People measure success according to your state of happiness. People measure success from the family that you come from, from the clothes that you wear, from the cars that you drive, from the houses that you own. We measure people’s success through possessions. We measure people through their level of understanding of the Bible.

Some people feel really bad if they come from a house that’s not financial. They might have come from a church that didn’t teach much of the Bible. And they don’t understand a lot of what the Christian faith is all about. These people from these poor families who don’t have a full understanding of the Christian faith and a proper understanding middle class understanding of who God is can feel left out.. These people can suffer and not really prosper in life with all these things weighing against them and these people can really feel that they’re not desired. They can be rejected and feel humiliated in front of other people. These are people that need to be told that they’re special, that they were selected by God, that they were chosen by God. They need to be told and that they’ve got a life and a purpose and a destiny and even the worst of things that have happened to them can be overcome through the grace of God. Prophecy is simply a vehicle that can demonstrate and tell a person who they are to God and who they really are not based on man’s assumptions and man’s opinions that we get from living in this carnal world that we live in.

Through prophetic ministry these poor people can get a picture from God’s true perspective for who they are. Prophecy can encourage a person, it can give a person direction, it can do all sorts of things. It can be like an investigative journalist. It can surgically find trouble and trauma that happened in a person’s life. God can reveal through a word of knowledge, which is supernatural information, a trauma or an experience or something bad that a person encountered.

That secret trauma can come up in a prophecy and the person can be told that God understands their pain. They can be told that God understands their suffering. God understands their trauma and then a promise can come through prophetically that says God’s going to restore you, God’s going to heal you, God’s going to put your feet on solid ground, and then God’s going to use your testimony to lead others who experienced trauma into success and prosperity themselves.

So prophecy is amazing and we’re not the only ones. Christians aren’t the only ones that can prophesy. Everyone is born with gifts and natural talents and supernatural abilities and people who aren’t Christian who have these gifts and abilities become psychics and clairvoyants and they can get supernatural information about trauma. They can get supernatural information about a person’s past. They can get supernatural information about a person’s destiny and their future and their purpose and what they love and what they’re destined to do. They can be very accurate. Their source, the source where their prophecies come from, they believe is an ascended master or a spirit guide. These are they believe someone who lived a life on Earth and achieved a certain sort of spiritual progress on Earth. Now they believe when they crossed over to what they call the other side, they’re communicating and counselling people who are still living and giving them directions and spiritual insight. So a clairvoyant who’s getting their information or a medium that’s getting their information from a spirit guide doesn’t believe that they’re doing anything evil.

They actually believe that someone who is very spiritual on the other side of life is giving those directions and insight and counsel for people’s lives. So the average clairvoyant wouldn’t see themselves as a Satan worshiper. The average clairvoyant would not see themselves as evil, and the average clairvoyant would be a very beautiful person who is gifted,  who’s always been gifted, has always known they’re gifted, and simply wants to help people through their gift

In the world they charge but many clairvoyants and psychics just love their gift and will minister for free in family situations or around friends and stuff. They’ll give their friends free readings and free tarot card readings. And they’ll do things out of the kindness of their heart. They’re not all about money. They’re about love and they’re about sharing your love.

So the prophetic is a really interesting subject. Personal prophecy can really encourage people, can really bless people, it can really give people direction. When you’ve come from a life like my own, prophecy is like fresh air. When you’ve been judged and rejected and misunderstood and maligned by people, you really need to hear what God thinks of you. Over a collection of hundreds of prophecies, I developed a really good understanding of who I am.

I developed a very positive outlook and a very positive understanding of who I am to Jesus and who I am to God and I’ve developed a very personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and so much of who I am today has come through the ministry of personal prophecy. So, personal prophecy, what is it?

There are three main gifts of prophecy, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, and prophecy. Briefly I’ll just share what they are.
Word of knowledge is supernatural information about a person’s past or present that isn’t ordinarily known by the person prophesying. Jesus told the Samaritan woman that she had been married five times and now she was living with a man out of wedlock. This was a word of knowledge. They have to get their information supernaturally. You could list off certain character traits of a person that God likes about them, like they’re very humble, they’re very patient, they’re very kind, they’re very trusting, and they’ve got a teachable spirit. They’ve got a childlike faith.

If I named and explained five of your best character traits you would know that my source is divine if I was a stranger to you. How could this total stranger know all these qualities of this person? Simple, because God speaks to the prophetic person and gives them the quality of the teachable spirit. Then He has the prophetic person explain what a teachable spirit looks like in practice, so it resonates with the person getting prophesied over. When I minister over video, I like to give about four to five character traits about a person to show them that God is clearly speaking and so they can relax and listen with interest to all that is being said in the prophecy.

Now, word of knowledge can also be used in healing circles. A person can get a pain or an ache or the name of a disease in their mind and can call out that disease in public setting. And they might say,” Someone here has got a right ear that’s tingling and it’s always tingling and they find it hard to get the sleep, stand up if you’re that person.” And most of the time, someone in the audience has got that tingling ear and if they stand up because that word of knowledge, the healer can pray for them and God will heal that condition. That’s also a word of knowledge, so it’s supernatural information.

Prophecy is information that God wants to communicate with a person like when you got a word of knowledge that actually said that a person had a teachable spirit. Prophecy might continue on and say, “Because you’ve got that teachable spirit, I’m going to move you and use you to be able to acquire a lot of knowledge. I’m going to give you revelation from my Bible and revelation from talking to Me face to face.  I’m going to dreams and I’m going to give you visions and I’m going to lead you to books and I’m going to educate you and teach you some things because then I want you to teach others. I want you to write a book and teach the people what you’ve learned.” So, that aspect, all of what I just said there that built on the teachable spirit, word of knowledge, all of that was the gift of prophecy.

 When Jesus said Jesus could actually continue on and say, “Actually I want you to write books. I want you to do podcasts. I want you to write a blog. I want you to do YouTube videos and teach all the things that I’m teaching. This is what I’ve called you to be, a teacher.”  That is a word of wisdom.  A word of wisdom is getting directions off God through a prophecy.  So God saying I want you to teach and these are the ways I want you to teach are words of wisdom in this example. Now it is totally up to the person receiving the prophecy to act on the words of wisdom. Many people run to get prophecy after prophecy and yet do not act of the words of wisdom they are given off God. This can delay prophecies being fulfilled in your life if you are not obeying God  when He tells you what to do.

In the Old Testament, for instance, the king went to a prophet to ask about a battle and the prophet would say yes you are going to win that battle. But here are some instructions. When you get there, at the end of the night, dig a whole lot of holes and fill them up with water and in the morning they’ll think that your side has a fight in the midst of the night and killed each other and hide away and they’ll come down into your camp you ambush them and I’ll overcome them.

Take them by surprise. And so through words of wisdom through a prophet they would get divine strategy on what to do. These divine strategies always worked. So that’s a word of wisdom. Prophecy is just information off God and word of knowledge is supernatural information. So those three gifts plus discerning of spirits and deliverance and healing, they all move through the gift of prophecy.

For a personal prophecy off Matthew Robert Payne see