Thursday, July 30, 2015

Personal Prophecy what is it?

Personal Prophecy, What is it?

First of all, let me say that the world is very accustomed to the supernatural. People who live in the world who aren’t Christians understand that if they want to know if their life’s purpose, if they want to know about love, if they want to know about jobs, if they want to know about their future, that they can quite happily ring a psychic line or go and visit a clairvoyant, and get tarot cards read. They know that they can get their palms read, or get a clairvoyant to do a reading for them and they know they  would get all this information about their life now, their challenges now, the things they want now , and the things of the future.

The world is very open and very interested in knowing about life, knowing about their purpose, and knowing about their future. They know how to know about things that are important to them like love, like relationships, like money, like jobs, like career, like their future, and their purpose, and their destiny. These are all things that the world, that the average person wants to know. We live in a world of mystery. We live in a world where we’re given this life and we sort of arrive without any knowledge.

Both the non believers  and the Christians in this world want to know about their life, their future and purpose for living.

Andrew Wormmack, a popular Christian teacher who teaches on television on Christian Broadcast and teaches through books, He does seminars in cities around America and he teaches on people’s life purpose and their life destiny. I’ve heard him say in one of his teachings that when he teaches on life’s purpose, he asks the congregation to come forward if they don’t know what their life’s purpose is. He says in those meetings about eighty percent of the Christians present come forward. That’s very sad. It’s very sad that you could be a Christian living this in Earth and not know what you’re here for.

The fact remains, that we’re born as babies and we don’t know anything and we grow up and we get saved and we become a Christian we still don’t know anything. We can pursue things that we seem to like. We can decide when we’re young that it would be good to be an accountant or I’d like to be a builder or like to be a lawyer. We can go and do further studies and technical courses and colleges to equip ourselves for what we think that we’re meant to be doing but so many people are living in this world without answers. There are so many people in this world living just facing each day as it comes one foot after another in a purposeless, directionless existence.

Personal prophecy, what is it? Well in One Corinthians Chapter 12 it mentions the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. A  lot of gifts can be involved in prophecy but the main three gifts that are mentioned in One Corinthians 12 that have to do with prophecy is prophecy itself, word of knowledge , and word of wisdom. These three prophetic gifts work together to form what we know as a personal prophecy. Someone who gives a personal prophecy is giving information to a person about their past life, about their present life, and about their future life.

Through prophecy God supernaturally reveals information that is helpful for a person to see that:

God loves them,

for them to understand direction in life,

for them to understand their purpose in life,

for them to understand the ways that God really views them,

and what God really thinks of them.

A prophecy is to encourage and edify and exhort people. We’re meant to be built up with personal prophecy.

Prophecy is never meant to be judgemental. It’s never meant to be discouraging to a person. You should never come away from a proper personal prophecy feeling down or sad or depressed or condemned or guilty. Anyone who delivers a personal prophecy that brings shame or condemnation or guilt to a person hasn’t acted in the Spirit of God and hasn’t acted and delivered a prophecy in the proper way that prophecy is meant to be delivered.

So let’s just talk simply about personal prophecy. A personal prophecy could tell things like I’ve mentioned about things that God likes about me. God could say that he sees me as very humble. God could say that he sees me as having a teachable spirit. God could say that I’ve got a childlike faith. God could say that I’m a person of resilience. He could say that I’m a person who has perseverance. He could say I’m very patient. These are all lists of qualities that God has said to me in the past on multiple occasions. So I know that this is what God sees of me. God actually sees who you are and communicates who He sees you as through the mouth of a prophetic person. Over time with more and more prophecies that you receive through a prophetic person or a prophet, you build a portfolio of what God thinks of you and the character traits He likes about you and who you really are.

 You see, we live in a world where people measure success according to money. People measure success according to your state of happiness. People measure success from the family that you come from, from the clothes that you wear, from the cars that you drive, from the houses that you own. We measure people’s success through possessions. We measure people through their level of understanding of the Bible.

Some people feel really bad if they come from a house that’s not financial. They might have come from a church that didn’t teach much of the Bible. And they don’t understand a lot of what the Christian faith is all about. These people from these poor families who don’t have a full understanding of the Christian faith and a proper understanding middle class understanding of who God is can feel left out.. These people can suffer and not really prosper in life with all these things weighing against them and these people can really feel that they’re not desired. They can be rejected and feel humiliated in front of other people. These are people that need to be told that they’re special, that they were selected by God, that they were chosen by God. They need to be told and that they’ve got a life and a purpose and a destiny and even the worst of things that have happened to them can be overcome through the grace of God. Prophecy is simply a vehicle that can demonstrate and tell a person who they are to God and who they really are not based on man’s assumptions and man’s opinions that we get from living in this carnal world that we live in.

Through prophetic ministry these poor people can get a picture from God’s true perspective for who they are. Prophecy can encourage a person, it can give a person direction, it can do all sorts of things. It can be like an investigative journalist. It can surgically find trouble and trauma that happened in a person’s life. God can reveal through a word of knowledge, which is supernatural information, a trauma or an experience or something bad that a person encountered.

That secret trauma can come up in a prophecy and the person can be told that God understands their pain. They can be told that God understands their suffering. God understands their trauma and then a promise can come through prophetically that says God’s going to restore you, God’s going to heal you, God’s going to put your feet on solid ground, and then God’s going to use your testimony to lead others who experienced trauma into success and prosperity themselves.

So prophecy is amazing and we’re not the only ones. Christians aren’t the only ones that can prophesy. Everyone is born with gifts and natural talents and supernatural abilities and people who aren’t Christian who have these gifts and abilities become psychics and clairvoyants and they can get supernatural information about trauma. They can get supernatural information about a person’s past. They can get supernatural information about a person’s destiny and their future and their purpose and what they love and what they’re destined to do. They can be very accurate. Their source, the source where their prophecies come from, they believe is an ascended master or a spirit guide. These are they believe someone who lived a life on Earth and achieved a certain sort of spiritual progress on Earth. Now they believe when they crossed over to what they call the other side, they’re communicating and counselling people who are still living and giving them directions and spiritual insight. So a clairvoyant who’s getting their information or a medium that’s getting their information from a spirit guide doesn’t believe that they’re doing anything evil.

They actually believe that someone who is very spiritual on the other side of life is giving those directions and insight and counsel for people’s lives. So the average clairvoyant wouldn’t see themselves as a Satan worshiper. The average clairvoyant would not see themselves as evil, and the average clairvoyant would be a very beautiful person who is gifted,  who’s always been gifted, has always known they’re gifted, and simply wants to help people through their gift

In the world they charge but many clairvoyants and psychics just love their gift and will minister for free in family situations or around friends and stuff. They’ll give their friends free readings and free tarot card readings. And they’ll do things out of the kindness of their heart. They’re not all about money. They’re about love and they’re about sharing your love.

So the prophetic is a really interesting subject. Personal prophecy can really encourage people, can really bless people, it can really give people direction. When you’ve come from a life like my own, prophecy is like fresh air. When you’ve been judged and rejected and misunderstood and maligned by people, you really need to hear what God thinks of you. Over a collection of hundreds of prophecies, I developed a really good understanding of who I am.

I developed a very positive outlook and a very positive understanding of who I am to Jesus and who I am to God and I’ve developed a very personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and so much of who I am today has come through the ministry of personal prophecy. So, personal prophecy, what is it?

There are three main gifts of prophecy, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, and prophecy. Briefly I’ll just share what they are.
Word of knowledge is supernatural information about a person’s past or present that isn’t ordinarily known by the person prophesying. Jesus told the Samaritan woman that she had been married five times and now she was living with a man out of wedlock. This was a word of knowledge. They have to get their information supernaturally. You could list off certain character traits of a person that God likes about them, like they’re very humble, they’re very patient, they’re very kind, they’re very trusting, and they’ve got a teachable spirit. They’ve got a childlike faith.

If I named and explained five of your best character traits you would know that my source is divine if I was a stranger to you. How could this total stranger know all these qualities of this person? Simple, because God speaks to the prophetic person and gives them the quality of the teachable spirit. Then He has the prophetic person explain what a teachable spirit looks like in practice, so it resonates with the person getting prophesied over. When I minister over video, I like to give about four to five character traits about a person to show them that God is clearly speaking and so they can relax and listen with interest to all that is being said in the prophecy.

Now, word of knowledge can also be used in healing circles. A person can get a pain or an ache or the name of a disease in their mind and can call out that disease in public setting. And they might say,” Someone here has got a right ear that’s tingling and it’s always tingling and they find it hard to get the sleep, stand up if you’re that person.” And most of the time, someone in the audience has got that tingling ear and if they stand up because that word of knowledge, the healer can pray for them and God will heal that condition. That’s also a word of knowledge, so it’s supernatural information.

Prophecy is information that God wants to communicate with a person like when you got a word of knowledge that actually said that a person had a teachable spirit. Prophecy might continue on and say, “Because you’ve got that teachable spirit, I’m going to move you and use you to be able to acquire a lot of knowledge. I’m going to give you revelation from my Bible and revelation from talking to Me face to face.  I’m going to dreams and I’m going to give you visions and I’m going to lead you to books and I’m going to educate you and teach you some things because then I want you to teach others. I want you to write a book and teach the people what you’ve learned.” So, that aspect, all of what I just said there that built on the teachable spirit, word of knowledge, all of that was the gift of prophecy.

 When Jesus said Jesus could actually continue on and say, “Actually I want you to write books. I want you to do podcasts. I want you to write a blog. I want you to do YouTube videos and teach all the things that I’m teaching. This is what I’ve called you to be, a teacher.”  That is a word of wisdom.  A word of wisdom is getting directions off God through a prophecy.  So God saying I want you to teach and these are the ways I want you to teach are words of wisdom in this example. Now it is totally up to the person receiving the prophecy to act on the words of wisdom. Many people run to get prophecy after prophecy and yet do not act of the words of wisdom they are given off God. This can delay prophecies being fulfilled in your life if you are not obeying God  when He tells you what to do.

In the Old Testament, for instance, the king went to a prophet to ask about a battle and the prophet would say yes you are going to win that battle. But here are some instructions. When you get there, at the end of the night, dig a whole lot of holes and fill them up with water and in the morning they’ll think that your side has a fight in the midst of the night and killed each other and hide away and they’ll come down into your camp you ambush them and I’ll overcome them.

Take them by surprise. And so through words of wisdom through a prophet they would get divine strategy on what to do. These divine strategies always worked. So that’s a word of wisdom. Prophecy is just information off God and word of knowledge is supernatural information. So those three gifts plus discerning of spirits and deliverance and healing, they all move through the gift of prophecy.

For a personal prophecy off Matthew Robert Payne see

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