This is an interesting subject. What are some of the
keys to the life that I live? One important key to a prophetic life is
intimacy, to have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, the Father and
the Holy Spirit. As a prophet, you should have a relationship with God the
Father, you should have a relationship with Jesus Christ his Son, and you
should have a relationship with the Holy Spirit.
The whole three persons of the God head, the whole
three members of the trinity should be personal friends of yours. They should
be not only subjects, not only things that you understand, and know about, they
shouldn’t be just people that you’ve heard about in the Bible. They should be
friends of yours. They should be interactions that you’ve had with each of them
that you can use in stories and illustrations. For instance, I was talking to
the Holy Spirit and I asked him “Can you tell me when it’s going to rain and
can you tell me when you take my umbrella out”, and from that day on, the Holy
Spirit would be quick to tell me to take my umbrella out on every day that it
was going to rain on me. If it was going to rain during the day and I was
inside a building and it wasn’t going to rain when I’m actually walking from
place to place, the Holy Spirit wouldn’t tell me but on the days that I would
be walking from the station to another place, the Holy Spirit would tell me
take your umbrella today and sure enough, if I ignored the Holy Spirit, and
didn’t go with my umbrella, I got wet. And that was the case. So that’s an
example of a time I’ve talked to the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit has
responded and continued to remind me when it’s going to rain when I was going
out into a day and leaving my house on a day it was going to rain.
So there are many interactions that I’ve had with
Jesus. They can’t be summarized or detailed here. You’d have to have like a
hundred hour video to explain all the interactions I’ve had with Jesus. One
interaction at the same place that I had the interaction with the Holy Spirit
that time, I was walking out of my house and I noticed blowing in the wind was
the cloak of Jesus. I normally notice Him, by that way, by his cloak blowing in
the wind and I said to him, “I’m seeing you now every second day”. And it’d
been a while, it’d been going on for weeks where I was having a vision of Jesus
every second day.
To which Jesus responded to me and said, “I’m with
you every day”.
And quick enough, I replied to him,” Where is that
in the Bible?”
Jesus said, “lo I am with you always to the end of
the age”. And that means that Jesus is with us all the time and whether we know
it or not, He actually is and it’s amazing that really had an impact on me that
Jesus was always with me and it really meant a lot to me and now I know whether
I see Him or not, He’s walking with me and He’s with me.
I’ve had interactions with the Father. One time I
was taken on a vision to Heaven and the Father had me sit next to him in Jesus’
throne and the Father opened up the Heavens and I could see stars and planets
and all sorts of things. I could see the stars up really close, you know if Heaven
had gravity they would be crashing down into Heaven, some of the planets or
stars were so close that they would seem like a thousand miles from Heaven. I
could really see them moving really close and I could see all the stars far
away, it was the most amazing view of the solar system and the universe that I’ve
ever seen and the Father said to me, “Can you see all of that?”
And I said, “Yeah”
He said “I control all of that. He said, “One of
those stars I could send to Earth and that would be the end of Earth. I control
it all. He said, don’t you think if I can control all of that, I can control
your life?”
And I was
really emotional and I said, “Yes”.
He said, “Let
me control your life.” So that was an interaction I had with God had an indelible
impact on my life. So intimacy is one of the keys to a prophet’s life. A
prophet has to have an intimate relationship with the God head. He’s got to be
intimate with Jesus.
Now, intimacy comes from a number of things. There
are a number of things that make up intimacy. First of all, you’ve got to
understand who God is and you find that understanding of who God is and who
Jesus is through the Bible. That’s one way to get to know God. So, one of the
keys, we’ll count this as a key too, one of the keys to a prophet’s life is to
have a knowledge of the Word of God. Now, many people have a knowledge of the Word
of God but some of the verses they believe in, they’ve got the wrong meaning
to, and they’ve got the wrong understanding.
So you’ve got to understand that your relationship
with God is ever-changing and your beliefs and your theologies have to be open
to change. So you can understand the Bible and understand Bible verses in the
Bible that help you to understand who God is and who Jesus is.
You can really find out a lot about Jesus by reading
the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. And if you spend time
reading those Gospels, trying to understand or seeking Jesus to explain why He
did certain things and why He said certain things and what He actually meant
when He said certain things. If you go into a process of years of discovery of
what Jesus meant by all these parables and what are the deep meanings behind
all of His commandments and if you study all of that out and spend time seeking
the Lord with the help of the Holy Spirit, you’ll come to know Jesus very well.
If you read the prophets in the Old Testament and read all of the prophets,
you’ll come to know God very well. So, that’s one way.
Another way, another key to intimacy and another key
for a prophet’s life, talking to God, talking to Jesus, and having
conversations with Jesus and God and you may not have two-way conversations
with God but I’d hope that if you’re called to be a prophet that God would
speak to you and Jesus would speak to you. You’ve got to reach a stage if
you’re called to the prophetic, if you’re called to be a prophet, you’ve got to
reach a stage where your spiritual ears are open and you can actually hear God
speak and you can actually hear Jesus speak and you can actually hear the Holy
Spirit speak. You’ve got to get to a stage where you can hear them and one good
way to really get to know Jesus and God and the Holy Spirit is to ask Jesus
questions, to ask the God head questions.
You can ask Jesus questions about anything and He
will answer you. He may say you’re not ready to hear the answer to that. That
may be his answer sometimes. But most of the time, it’s the Holy Spirit that’s
moving on your life to encourage you to ask a certain question and if the Holy
Spirit inspires you to ask questions, then Jesus is going to give you the
answer – I’ve spent hundreds and thousands of hours speaking to Jesus and
having two-way conversations. I do pray sometimes like a normal person and pray
a prayer that people hear in churches and people hear ministers pray, but it’s
pretty rare that I pray a prayer like that. It’s only when someone asks me to
pray for them that and they’re standing there and they want you to pray in
person to pray a prayer like that.
Most other times, times of what you would call
prayer, is me just communicating back and forth with Jesus, having
conversations, and Jesus talks back to me and we have conversations and one
major key like I’ve just mentioned, is to ask Jesus questions and you can ask
Jesus questions about His life on Earth, you can ask Him questions about
anything, about anyone and about Jesus only has good things to say about people
most of the time. He’ll call out the gold in people. He’ll call out the good
things in people. You can discuss the bad things that someone like Obama is
doing if you are interested in politics and you’re in America. You might be
interested in hearing Jesus’ perspective on Obama. You might be into the New
World Order and the Illuminati and you might want to know information about
that. Jesus can answer you and set your mind at ease in that situation and on
that subject matter. You can ask Jesus questions on anything. And it’s really
one of the best keys; one of the best secrets that I have to developing a very
deep and emotional relationship with Jesus Christ is to spend time asking
When you go out dating, when you go out on a date with
a girl or if you go out with a guy, much of the conversation that’s in the
initial stages of a relationship is based on questions. You ask question after
question to find out more information about a person and slowly you fall in
love with the person based on all the information, based on who you’ve come to
see that they are based on the answers of the questions, that they come to
answer you. Well, the same is true with Jesus. You can get to know so much of
Jesus’ personality and so much about Him simply by asking Him questions. And
people would wonder why would you ask Jesus questions?
Well, the same reasons why you’d ask a date
questions, to get to know them better. And Jesus has real answers and He has
real emotions. And you’re able to talk to Jesus. You can hear Him cry. You can
hear Him get emotional. You can hear Him get passionate. You can hear Him get
intense about certain subjects.
Jesus is an amazing person and He really isn’t
understood and known very well by the average Christian. The average Christian
doesn’t spend a lot of time talking to Jesus and asking Him questions. But as a
prophet, you’re called to represent Jesus. You’re called to represent God and
the more you know Him, the more you know his characteristics and what makes Him
up, the more you can speak His voice when He tells you to say things to a
person or He tells you to say things to a church. You’ve got a better
understanding of who Jesus is and you can carry His words in a better format.
You can carry His words in a better way because you understand the Source, you
understand where He’s coming from, and it’s not new to you so people who don’t
have a good understanding of God they only have an Old Testament understanding
of an angry God, they’ll speak on behalf of what the God that they think they
know But if they spoke to God and communicated with God, they’d understand God
for who He is. He isn’t just some old fella sitting on a throne with
thunderbolts and lightning ready to strike people dead and ready to throw
judgement at any time. He’s a God of mercy, love and compassion and it says in
1 John that God is love and you highly question that God is a God of love based
on some of the things that some prophets have to say that God and how they
communicate God to other people.
So it’s very important to know God. It’s very
important to know Jesus and know their personalities and know what makes them
up and what makes Them laugh and what makes Them upset and what makes Them
urgent for things and it’s good to know that Jesus and God have their
limitations and that even though they’re all powerful, they’re limited by man
on Earth and they can only move through men on Earth and so there’s a lot of
injustice being done that could be stopped by the Christians of the world or
alleviated by the Christians of the world. There’s a lot of suffering in the
world that could be slowed down or stopped if the Christians of the world acted
and moved and weren’t selfish and weren’t spending money on themselves and
living up a lifestyle of fleshly pursuits.
A lot of work can be done in the third world nations
and a lot of suffering could be alleviated if people actually cared and one day
I’ll have my stage, you can see some of my personality coming out that I’m
concerned too and you can talk to God and you Jesus about the concerned and
co-labor with them. Once you get to know Jesus on an intimate level, you know
that every person is important to Him and when you know Him for who He is
you’ll realise that the prostitute the
pimp, the slave trafficker, the paedophile
and the homosexual - all these people in the world looked down upon that Jesus
loves intimately and He’s got a tremendous love for. And it changes your
attitude and the way that you treat people and you correspond with people and
you interact with people online and face to face.
So, asking Jesus questions will get you to this
place. Reading the Word of God and spending hours and even years in the Gospels
will get you to a place to understand who Jesus is. Asking Him questions about
the Gospels and what He was thinking and what He was meaning when He talked
will get you even into a closer space.
Another key to a prophet’s life is a life of
obedience. God has called you as a prophet to be his representative and that
means that you should be going about your life listening to the commands of the
Holy Spirit, commands of Jesus and the things that God tells you to do and
actually doing them. I just produced a book called Great Cloud of Witnesses Speak and it’s of interviews with 19
saints from Heaven and what they had to say about this life and this Earth and
advice that they have for people on Earth. It was a very hard to publish. I
come under a lot of criticism by many well-meaning Christians saying that I was
practicing necromancy talking to the dead and we know that everyone is alive in
Christ and they’re alive in Heaven so I’m not speaking to dead people. But I
come under tremendous criticisms but Jesus called me to write that book.
He brought the saints down. The Holy Spirit brought
the saints down to be interviewed, and He was with me every step of the way but
I could have refused to do this book. Jesus told me that two people before me
had started the project and then stopped because the criticism and they backed
out of it because of the pressure that was came upon their life because of it.
So I was determined not to back out but I had a lot of pressure and there was a
lot of reason not go through with the project but I persisted and I just
published the book a couple of days ago. So it’s important to obey Jesus. The
disciples not only walked with Jesus but when Jesus left they obeyed the Holy
Spirit and did things which all accept John, they ended up getting killed
for. They obeyed Jesus right into death.
They didn’t consider their lives were more important than the call of Jesus on
their life and we’re called to obey Jesus, to obey the Holy Spirit, and to obey
God in what he’s called us to do and you really can only get so far.
You can’t get really close to God without a life of
obedience and you certainly can’t become a beloved friend of God if you’re not
obedient, if you’re not walking with Him and doing what He calls you to do. One
explanation of a prophet’s life can be found in Isaiah 42 and it says in Isaiah
42 Verse 6,
the Lord have called you in righteousness and I’ll hold your hand. I’ll keep
you and give you as a covenant to the people, as a light to the Gentiles, to
open blind eyes, to bring out prisoners from the prison. Those who sit in
darkness from the prison house. I’m the Lord. That is my name and my glory I
will not give to another. Nor my praise to carved images. Behold! The former
things have come to pass. And new things I declare. Before they spring forth I
tell you of them.
So he says I’m the Lord. I’ve called you in
righteousness and I’ll hold your hand. That’s a very close relationship, a hand
in hand, talking hand in hand with God, and you walk hand in hand with God when
you obey him, when you’re walking in obedience and fellowship with him. And,
behold the former things have come to pass and new things I declare. Before
they spring forth I tell you of them. A prophet is in constant communion with
God and He tells you things and explains what’s going on in your life and he
declares new things as they come about, he’ll declare the new things to you.
So it’s important that you read the Word. It’s
important that you talk to God and have time in prayer. It’s important that you
ask Jesus questions and ask God questions and it’s important that you obey.
It’s important that you live a life set apart for God, it’s time for the world
to live in a way that is different. It’s time for a prophet to live life in a
way that is set apart. I’m just looking up a scripture for us because it
describes it good. In 1 John 2:15 ( NLT) goes on and says,
not love the world. Do not love the world nor the things it offers you for when
you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. For the
world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we
see and a pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the
Father but from the world. And this world is fading away along with everything
that people crave but anyone who does what pleases God will live forever.
That is calling people who read that and meditate on
that and obey that to come out the world. That’s calling people to live a life
separate from the world and there isn’t a lot of teaching out there that will
teach a person how to live separate from the world.
It’s one thing for me to say live a life set apart
and live a life that’s holy and set apart for God. It’s another thing for
people to actually work out how to do that. James 4:3 , says:
ask and do not receive because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your
So many people do that that they’re living a life of
pleasure and lust.
James 4:4 says, adulterers
and adulteresses do not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God.
Whoever therefore wants to be a friend with the world makes himself an enemy of
So there we go. To live the life of a prophet, one
of the keys to living the life of a prophet is to live a life that is set
apart, a life that doesn’t necessarily have to have the best that the world
offers. Of course, a prophet visiting churches needs to be dressed nicely, and
sometimes a prophet will need a car or sometimes you’ll need a house and he’ll
need the things of the world but it’s not consumed by the things of the world,
it’s not sitting down on TV watching TV and having to buy everything as they
come about. A prophet that’s truly called by the Lord will use his smartphone
to post Facebook updates that will challenge people. He’ll use his computer to
make videos and to write letters and to write books. He’ll be using his TV to
relax and see about the things of the world that he can speak into. Everything
that’s in a prophet’s life that he owns will be a Kingdom asset, it will be Kingdom
tool, and it will be something that he used for the Kingdom. He just doesn’t
use it for his needs and lust and desires.
One day I’ll write a book, I’ll have to write a
short explanation on how to live set apart. A part of the holiness is to be set
apart, a part is a definition of holiness rather than just living a righteous
life is to live a life consecrated to the Lord.. Part of holiness is to be set
apart and there are not a lot of people preaching that we need to be set apart.
Of course John preached it and shared it there. We heard it from John there
that not to love the things of world. We heard it from James saying that if
you’re a friend of the world then you’re an enemy of God.
There are just not a lot of people out there
preaching in pulpits and showing the people of God to be set apart. Of course
if the people of God were set apart and they were faithful to God and concerned
about God and His interests, they’d be collecting together and they’d be being
used more powerfully and the world would be a better place. It’s just that
Christians seem to be just as big a consumer as is everyone else and they
seemed to be turned on by the things of the world. They love to do the things
of the world and like I said in a previous chapter, they like to talk about
sports and they like to talk about TV shows and they like to talk about
everything outside of God. There doesn’t seem to be many people that can
discuss Jesus and discuss the Kingdom for hours.
Many Christians would recoil at what I just said.
One of the things about being a prophet is that your whole life will be focused
on God and his Kingdom and anything that takes you away from that, you’ll
quickly dismiss and come back to it. A prophet for instance, one of the keys to
having a proper prophetic life, another key is to be set apart with people. You
can’t have people in your life that are draining you. You can’t have people in
your life that are pulling the anointing out of you. You can’t have people in
your life who have got Jezebel spirits.
You’ve got to separate yourself from those people
and sometimes those people will draw really close to you and become a very
close friend until the Holy Spirit shows you through discernment that that
person has got a Jezebel spirit. You have to cut those people off and tell them
you can’t have anything to do with them whilst they’ve got that spirit. I have
found that 90% of people with a Jezebel spirit will say that they haven’t got
that spirit when you confront them. That’s just sad and unfortunate that they
can’t become set free of something they don’t agree that they’ve got.
So it will
come at the price of separation. Being
set apart also is having friends that are helpful to you and having friends add
to you and God would prefer that you be friendless than have friends that are
dragging you back into the world.
If you’ve got to be a friend simply by talking about
things of the world with someone and that’s the price you pay for having the
friend, is the friend really worth it for you? Isn’t it better that you commune
with God and commune with Jesus and commune with the saints of Heaven and have
the saints of Heaven as friends and have God as your friend, rather than have
to demean yourself and lower your standards to have conversations that are
meaningless and full of the world and full of flesh? So I’m glad I’m talking to
people who are called to be prophets because the average person listening to this
would say this guy is too intense. He’s just too full on.
There are some of the keys to the prophetic life. So
we’ve covered quite a few of them, and I hope there’d be many more. Another key
to a prophet’s is a life of worship and worship isn’t just listening to worship
music and singing but worship is a life dedicated to Jesus and you’re whole
life and everything you do are focused on the Kingdom. Worshiping God calls for obedience and you
live this life that is set apart and through living a set apart life in
obedience every day in constant communion with God, you live a lifestyle of
worship that your life is an everlasting and fragrance to God. God can look down upon you as He looked down upon
Job and brag to Satan, “have you ever seen someone so beautiful? Have you ever
seen someone so obedient?”
Living a life in constant obedience and constant
devotion to God is a life of worship and you can learn to worship and play
worship music and have worship music playing in your house all the time. You
need to keep yourself uplifted and in the Spirit and anointed and worship music
is a wonderful thing. There’s more to worship than simply listening and singing
music. There’s a lifestyle that you can live and so I hope this video has
encouraged you and I hope as you read the book that you’ll be encouraged by
what I’ve had to share and I hope you can transform your life into developing
these characteristics into your life. God bless.
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